Interface AggregateGroupBy<T>

interface AggregateGroupBy<T> {
    nearImage<M>(image, opts?): Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>;
    nearObject<M>(id, opts?): Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>;
    nearText<M>(query, opts?): Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>;
    nearVector<M>(vector, opts?): Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>;
    overAll<M>(opts?): Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>;

Type Parameters

  • T


  • Aggregate metrics over the objects returned by a near image vector search on this collection.

    At least one of certainty, distance, or object_limit must be specified here for the vector search.

    This method requires a vectorizer capable of handling base64-encoded images, e.g. img2vec-neural, multi2vec-clip, and multi2vec-bind.

    Type Parameters


    • image: string | Buffer

      The image to search on. This can be a base64 string, a file path string, or a buffer.

    • Optional opts: AggregateGroupByNearOptions<T, M>

      The options for the request.

    Returns Promise<AggregateGroupByResult<T, M>[]>

    The aggregated metrics for the objects returned by the vector search.