Variable defaultConst

default: {
    ApiKey: typeof ApiKey;
    AuthAccessTokenCredentials: typeof AuthAccessTokenCredentials;
    AuthClientCredentials: typeof AuthClientCredentials;
    AuthUserPasswordCredentials: typeof AuthUserPasswordCredentials;
    client: ((params) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    configGuards: {
        quantizer: typeof Quantizer;
        vectorIndex: typeof VectorIndex;
    configure: {
        dataType: {
            BLOB: "blob";
            BOOLEAN: "boolean";
            BOOLEAN_ARRAY: "boolean[]";
            DATE: "date";
            DATE_ARRAY: "date[]";
            GEO_COORDINATES: "geoCoordinates";
            INT: "int";
            INT_ARRAY: "int[]";
            NUMBER: "number";
            NUMBER_ARRAY: "number[]";
            OBJECT: "object";
            OBJECT_ARRAY: "object[]";
            PHONE_NUMBER: "phoneNumber";
            TEXT: "text";
            TEXT_ARRAY: "text[]";
            UUID: "uuid";
            UUID_ARRAY: "uuid[]";
        generative: {
            azureOpenAI: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig>);
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-cohere", undefined | GenerativeCohereConfig>);
            databricks: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-databricks", GenerativeDatabricksConfig>);
            google: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-google", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            openAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", undefined | GenerativeOpenAIConfig>);
            palm: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-palm", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            anthropic(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anthropic", undefined | GenerativeAnthropicConfig>;
            anyscale(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anyscale", undefined | GenerativeAnyscaleConfig>;
            aws(config): ModuleConfig<"generative-aws", GenerativeAWSConfig>;
            friendliai(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-friendliai", undefined | GenerativeFriendliAIConfig>;
            mistral(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-mistral", undefined | GenerativeMistralConfig>;
            nvidia(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-nvidia", undefined | GenerativeNvidiaConfig>;
            ollama(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-ollama", undefined | GenerativeOllamaConfig>;
        invertedIndex: ((options) => {
            bm25?: {
                b?: number;
                k1?: number;
            cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
            indexNullState?: boolean;
            indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
            indexTimestamps?: boolean;
            stopwords?: {
                additions?: (undefined | string)[];
                preset?: string;
                removals?: (undefined | string)[];
        multiTenancy: ((options?) => {
            autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
            autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
            enabled?: boolean;
        replication: ((options) => {
            asyncEnabled?: boolean;
            deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
            factor?: number;
        reranker: {
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-cohere", undefined | RerankerCohereConfig>);
            jinaai: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-jinaai", undefined | RerankerJinaAIConfig>);
            transformers: (() => ModuleConfig<"reranker-transformers", Record<string, never>>);
            voyageAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-voyageai", undefined | RerankerVoyageAIConfig>);
        sharding: ((options) => ShardingConfigCreate);
        tokenization: {
            FIELD: "field";
            GSE: "gse";
            KAGOME_KR: "kagome_kr";
            LOWERCASE: "lowercase";
            TRIGRAM: "trigram";
            WHITESPACE: "whitespace";
            WORD: "word";
        vectorDistances: {
            COSINE: "cosine";
            DOT: "dot";
            HAMMING: "hamming";
            L2_SQUARED: "l2-squared";
        vectorIndex: {
            dynamic: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                flat?: {
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    type?: "flat";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                hnsw?: {
                    cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                    dynamicEfMax?: number;
                    dynamicEfMin?: number;
                    ef?: number;
                    efConstruction?: number;
                    filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                    flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                    maxConnections?: number;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        bitCompression?: ...;
                        centroids?: ...;
                        encoder?: ...;
                        segments?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    skip?: boolean;
                    type?: "hnsw";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                threshold?: number;
                type?: "dynamic";
            flat: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                type?: "flat";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            hnsw: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                efConstruction?: number;
                filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                maxConnections?: number;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                } | {
                    bitCompression?: boolean;
                    centroids?: number;
                    encoder?: {
                        distribution?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    segments?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "pq";
                } | {
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "sq";
                skip?: boolean;
                type?: "hnsw";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            quantizer: {
                bq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<BQConfig>);
                pq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<PQConfig>);
                sq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<SQConfig>);
        vectorizer: {
            img2VecNeural: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "img2vec-neural">);
            multi2VecBind: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-bind">);
            multi2VecClip: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-clip">);
            multi2VecCohere: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-cohere">);
            multi2VecGoogle: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-google">);
            multi2VecJinaAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-jinaai">);
            multi2VecPalm: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-palm">);
            multi2VecVoyageAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-voyageai">);
            none: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "none">);
            ref2VecCentroid: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "ref2vec-centroid">);
            text2VecAWS: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-aws">);
            text2VecAzureOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-azure-openai">);
            text2VecCohere: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-cohere">);
            text2VecContextionary: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-contextionary">);
            text2VecDatabricks: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-databricks">);
            text2VecGPT4All: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-gpt4all">);
            text2VecGoogle: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-google">);
            text2VecHuggingFace: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-huggingface">);
            text2VecJinaAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-jinaai">);
            text2VecMistral: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-mistral">);
            text2VecOllama: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-ollama">);
            text2VecOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-openai">);
            text2VecPalm: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-palm">);
            text2VecTransformers: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-transformers">);
            text2VecVoyageAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-voyageai">);
            text2VecWeaviate: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-weaviate">);
    connectToCustom: ((options) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    connectToLocal: ((options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    connectToWCD: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    connectToWCS: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    connectToWeaviateCloud: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>);
    permissions: {
        backup: ((args) => BackupsPermission[]);
        cluster: ((args) => ClusterPermission[]);
        collections: ((args) => CollectionsPermission[]);
        data: ((args) => DataPermission[]);
        nodes: {
            minimal: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);
            verbose: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);
        roles: ((args) => RolesPermission[]);
        tenants: ((args) => TenantsPermission[]);
        users: ((args) => UsersPermission[]);
    reconfigure: {
        generative: {
            azureOpenAI: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig>);
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-cohere", undefined | GenerativeCohereConfig>);
            databricks: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-databricks", GenerativeDatabricksConfig>);
            google: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-google", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            openAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", undefined | GenerativeOpenAIConfig>);
            palm: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-palm", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            anthropic(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anthropic", undefined | GenerativeAnthropicConfig>;
            anyscale(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anyscale", undefined | GenerativeAnyscaleConfig>;
            aws(config): ModuleConfig<"generative-aws", GenerativeAWSConfig>;
            friendliai(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-friendliai", undefined | GenerativeFriendliAIConfig>;
            mistral(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-mistral", undefined | GenerativeMistralConfig>;
            nvidia(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-nvidia", undefined | GenerativeNvidiaConfig>;
            ollama(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-ollama", undefined | GenerativeOllamaConfig>;
        invertedIndex: ((options) => InvertedIndexConfigUpdate);
        multiTenancy: ((options) => MultiTenancyConfigUpdate);
        replication: ((options) => ReplicationConfigUpdate);
        reranker: {
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-cohere", undefined | RerankerCohereConfig>);
            jinaai: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-jinaai", undefined | RerankerJinaAIConfig>);
            transformers: (() => ModuleConfig<"reranker-transformers", Record<string, never>>);
            voyageAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-voyageai", undefined | RerankerVoyageAIConfig>);
        vectorIndex: {
            flat: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"flat", VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate>);
            hnsw: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>);
            quantizer: {
                bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate);
                pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate);
                sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate);
        vectorizer: {
            update: (<N, I>(options) => VectorConfigUpdate<N, I>);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • ApiKey: typeof ApiKey
  • AuthAccessTokenCredentials: typeof AuthAccessTokenCredentials
  • AuthClientCredentials: typeof AuthClientCredentials
  • AuthUserPasswordCredentials: typeof AuthUserPasswordCredentials
  • client: ((params) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
  • configGuards: {
        quantizer: typeof Quantizer;
        vectorIndex: typeof VectorIndex;
  • configure: {
        dataType: {
            BLOB: "blob";
            BOOLEAN: "boolean";
            BOOLEAN_ARRAY: "boolean[]";
            DATE: "date";
            DATE_ARRAY: "date[]";
            GEO_COORDINATES: "geoCoordinates";
            INT: "int";
            INT_ARRAY: "int[]";
            NUMBER: "number";
            NUMBER_ARRAY: "number[]";
            OBJECT: "object";
            OBJECT_ARRAY: "object[]";
            PHONE_NUMBER: "phoneNumber";
            TEXT: "text";
            TEXT_ARRAY: "text[]";
            UUID: "uuid";
            UUID_ARRAY: "uuid[]";
        generative: {
            azureOpenAI: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig>);
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-cohere", undefined | GenerativeCohereConfig>);
            databricks: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-databricks", GenerativeDatabricksConfig>);
            google: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-google", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            openAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", undefined | GenerativeOpenAIConfig>);
            palm: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-palm", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            anthropic(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anthropic", undefined | GenerativeAnthropicConfig>;
            anyscale(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anyscale", undefined | GenerativeAnyscaleConfig>;
            aws(config): ModuleConfig<"generative-aws", GenerativeAWSConfig>;
            friendliai(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-friendliai", undefined | GenerativeFriendliAIConfig>;
            mistral(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-mistral", undefined | GenerativeMistralConfig>;
            nvidia(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-nvidia", undefined | GenerativeNvidiaConfig>;
            ollama(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-ollama", undefined | GenerativeOllamaConfig>;
        invertedIndex: ((options) => {
            bm25?: {
                b?: number;
                k1?: number;
            cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
            indexNullState?: boolean;
            indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
            indexTimestamps?: boolean;
            stopwords?: {
                additions?: (undefined | string)[];
                preset?: string;
                removals?: (undefined | string)[];
        multiTenancy: ((options?) => {
            autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
            autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
            enabled?: boolean;
        replication: ((options) => {
            asyncEnabled?: boolean;
            deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
            factor?: number;
        reranker: {
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-cohere", undefined | RerankerCohereConfig>);
            jinaai: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-jinaai", undefined | RerankerJinaAIConfig>);
            transformers: (() => ModuleConfig<"reranker-transformers", Record<string, never>>);
            voyageAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-voyageai", undefined | RerankerVoyageAIConfig>);
        sharding: ((options) => ShardingConfigCreate);
        tokenization: {
            FIELD: "field";
            GSE: "gse";
            KAGOME_KR: "kagome_kr";
            LOWERCASE: "lowercase";
            TRIGRAM: "trigram";
            WHITESPACE: "whitespace";
            WORD: "word";
        vectorDistances: {
            COSINE: "cosine";
            DOT: "dot";
            HAMMING: "hamming";
            L2_SQUARED: "l2-squared";
        vectorIndex: {
            dynamic: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                flat?: {
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    type?: "flat";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                hnsw?: {
                    cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                    dynamicEfMax?: number;
                    dynamicEfMin?: number;
                    ef?: number;
                    efConstruction?: number;
                    filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                    flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                    maxConnections?: number;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        bitCompression?: ...;
                        centroids?: ...;
                        encoder?: ...;
                        segments?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    skip?: boolean;
                    type?: "hnsw";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                threshold?: number;
                type?: "dynamic";
            flat: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                type?: "flat";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            hnsw: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                efConstruction?: number;
                filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                maxConnections?: number;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                } | {
                    bitCompression?: boolean;
                    centroids?: number;
                    encoder?: {
                        distribution?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    segments?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "pq";
                } | {
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "sq";
                skip?: boolean;
                type?: "hnsw";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            quantizer: {
                bq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<BQConfig>);
                pq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<PQConfig>);
                sq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<SQConfig>);
        vectorizer: {
            img2VecNeural: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "img2vec-neural">);
            multi2VecBind: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-bind">);
            multi2VecClip: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-clip">);
            multi2VecCohere: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-cohere">);
            multi2VecGoogle: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-google">);
            multi2VecJinaAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-jinaai">);
            multi2VecPalm: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-palm">);
            multi2VecVoyageAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-voyageai">);
            none: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "none">);
            ref2VecCentroid: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "ref2vec-centroid">);
            text2VecAWS: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-aws">);
            text2VecAzureOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-azure-openai">);
            text2VecCohere: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-cohere">);
            text2VecContextionary: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-contextionary">);
            text2VecDatabricks: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-databricks">);
            text2VecGPT4All: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-gpt4all">);
            text2VecGoogle: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-google">);
            text2VecHuggingFace: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-huggingface">);
            text2VecJinaAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-jinaai">);
            text2VecMistral: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-mistral">);
            text2VecOllama: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-ollama">);
            text2VecOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-openai">);
            text2VecPalm: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-palm">);
            text2VecTransformers: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-transformers">);
            text2VecVoyageAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-voyageai">);
            text2VecWeaviate: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-weaviate">);
    • dataType: {
          BLOB: "blob";
          BOOLEAN: "boolean";
          BOOLEAN_ARRAY: "boolean[]";
          DATE: "date";
          DATE_ARRAY: "date[]";
          GEO_COORDINATES: "geoCoordinates";
          INT: "int";
          INT_ARRAY: "int[]";
          NUMBER: "number";
          NUMBER_ARRAY: "number[]";
          OBJECT: "object";
          OBJECT_ARRAY: "object[]";
          PHONE_NUMBER: "phoneNumber";
          TEXT: "text";
          TEXT_ARRAY: "text[]";
          UUID: "uuid";
          UUID_ARRAY: "uuid[]";
      • BLOB: "blob"
      • BOOLEAN: "boolean"
      • BOOLEAN_ARRAY: "boolean[]"
      • DATE: "date"
      • DATE_ARRAY: "date[]"
      • GEO_COORDINATES: "geoCoordinates"
      • INT: "int"
      • INT_ARRAY: "int[]"
      • NUMBER: "number"
      • NUMBER_ARRAY: "number[]"
      • OBJECT: "object"
      • OBJECT_ARRAY: "object[]"
      • PHONE_NUMBER: "phoneNumber"
      • TEXT: "text"
      • TEXT_ARRAY: "text[]"
      • UUID: "uuid"
      • UUID_ARRAY: "uuid[]"
    • generative: {
          azureOpenAI: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig>);
          cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-cohere", undefined | GenerativeCohereConfig>);
          databricks: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-databricks", GenerativeDatabricksConfig>);
          google: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-google", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
          openAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", undefined | GenerativeOpenAIConfig>);
          palm: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-palm", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
          anthropic(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anthropic", undefined | GenerativeAnthropicConfig>;
          anyscale(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anyscale", undefined | GenerativeAnyscaleConfig>;
          aws(config): ModuleConfig<"generative-aws", GenerativeAWSConfig>;
          friendliai(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-friendliai", undefined | GenerativeFriendliAIConfig>;
          mistral(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-mistral", undefined | GenerativeMistralConfig>;
          nvidia(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-nvidia", undefined | GenerativeNvidiaConfig>;
          ollama(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-ollama", undefined | GenerativeOllamaConfig>;
    • invertedIndex: ((options) => {
          bm25?: {
              b?: number;
              k1?: number;
          cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
          indexNullState?: boolean;
          indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
          indexTimestamps?: boolean;
          stopwords?: {
              additions?: (undefined | string)[];
              preset?: string;
              removals?: (undefined | string)[];

      Create an InvertedIndexConfigCreate object to be used when defining the configuration of the keyword searching algorithm of your collection.

      See the docs for details!

        • (options): {
              bm25?: {
                  b?: number;
                  k1?: number;
              cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
              indexNullState?: boolean;
              indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
              indexTimestamps?: boolean;
              stopwords?: {
                  additions?: (undefined | string)[];
                  preset?: string;
                  removals?: (undefined | string)[];
        • Parameters

          • options: {
                bm25b?: number;
                bm25k1?: number;
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                indexNullState?: boolean;
                indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
                indexTimestamps?: boolean;
                stopwordsAdditions?: string[];
                stopwordsPreset?: "none" | "en";
                stopwordsRemovals?: string[];
            • Optional bm25b?: number

              The BM25 b parameter.

            • Optional bm25k1?: number

              The BM25 k1 parameter.

            • Optional cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number

              The interval in seconds at which the inverted index is cleaned up.

            • Optional indexNullState?: boolean

              Whether to index the null state of properties.

            • Optional indexPropertyLength?: boolean

              Whether to index the length of properties.

            • Optional indexTimestamps?: boolean

              Whether to index timestamps.

            • Optional stopwordsAdditions?: string[]

              Additional stopwords to add.

            • Optional stopwordsPreset?: "none" | "en"

              The stopwords preset to use.

            • Optional stopwordsRemovals?: string[]

              Stopwords to remove.

          Returns {
              bm25?: {
                  b?: number;
                  k1?: number;
              cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
              indexNullState?: boolean;
              indexPropertyLength?: boolean;
              indexTimestamps?: boolean;
              stopwords?: {
                  additions?: (undefined | string)[];
                  preset?: string;
                  removals?: (undefined | string)[];

          • Optional bm25?: {
                b?: number;
                k1?: number;
            • Optional b?: number
            • Optional k1?: number
          • Optional cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number
          • Optional indexNullState?: boolean
          • Optional indexPropertyLength?: boolean
          • Optional indexTimestamps?: boolean
          • Optional stopwords?: {
                additions?: (undefined | string)[];
                preset?: string;
                removals?: (undefined | string)[];
            • Optional additions?: (undefined | string)[]
            • Optional preset?: string
            • Optional removals?: (undefined | string)[]
    • multiTenancy: ((options?) => {
          autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
          autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
          enabled?: boolean;

      Create a MultiTenancyConfigCreate object to be used when defining the multi-tenancy configuration of your collection.

        • (options?): {
              autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
              autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
              enabled?: boolean;
        • Parameters

          • Optional options: {
                autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
                autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
                enabled?: boolean;
            • Optional autoTenantActivation?: boolean

              Whether auto-tenant activation is enabled. Default is false.

            • Optional autoTenantCreation?: boolean

              Whether auto-tenant creation is enabled. Default is false.

            • Optional enabled?: boolean

              Whether multi-tenancy is enabled. Default is true.

          Returns {
              autoTenantActivation?: boolean;
              autoTenantCreation?: boolean;
              enabled?: boolean;

          • Optional autoTenantActivation?: boolean
          • Optional autoTenantCreation?: boolean
          • Optional enabled?: boolean
    • replication: ((options) => {
          asyncEnabled?: boolean;
          deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
          factor?: number;

      Create a ReplicationConfigCreate object to be used when defining the replication configuration of your collection.

      NOTE: You can only use one of Sharding or Replication, not both.

      See the docs for more details.

        • (options): {
              asyncEnabled?: boolean;
              deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
              factor?: number;
        • Parameters

          • options: {
                asyncEnabled?: boolean;
                deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
                factor?: number;
            • Optional asyncEnabled?: boolean

              Whether asynchronous replication is enabled. Default is false.

            • Optional deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy

              The deletion strategy when replication conflicts are detected between deletes and reads.

            • Optional factor?: number

              The replication factor. Default is 1.

          Returns {
              asyncEnabled?: boolean;
              deletionStrategy?: ReplicationDeletionStrategy;
              factor?: number;

    • reranker: {
          cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-cohere", undefined | RerankerCohereConfig>);
          jinaai: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-jinaai", undefined | RerankerJinaAIConfig>);
          transformers: (() => ModuleConfig<"reranker-transformers", Record<string, never>>);
          voyageAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-voyageai", undefined | RerankerVoyageAIConfig>);
    • sharding: ((options) => ShardingConfigCreate)

      Create a ShardingConfigCreate object to be used when defining the sharding configuration of your collection.

      NOTE: You can only use one of Sharding or Replication, not both.

      See the docs for more details.

        • (options): ShardingConfigCreate
        • Parameters

          • options: {
                desiredCount?: number;
                desiredVirtualCount?: number;
                virtualPerPhysical?: number;
            • Optional desiredCount?: number

              The desired number of physical shards.

            • Optional desiredVirtualCount?: number

              The desired number of virtual shards.

            • Optional virtualPerPhysical?: number

              The number of virtual shards per physical shard.

          Returns ShardingConfigCreate

    • tokenization: {
          FIELD: "field";
          GSE: "gse";
          KAGOME_KR: "kagome_kr";
          LOWERCASE: "lowercase";
          TRIGRAM: "trigram";
          WHITESPACE: "whitespace";
          WORD: "word";
      • FIELD: "field"
      • GSE: "gse"
      • KAGOME_KR: "kagome_kr"
      • LOWERCASE: "lowercase"
      • TRIGRAM: "trigram"
      • WHITESPACE: "whitespace"
      • WORD: "word"
    • vectorDistances: {
          COSINE: "cosine";
          DOT: "dot";
          HAMMING: "hamming";
          L2_SQUARED: "l2-squared";
      • COSINE: "cosine"
      • DOT: "dot"
      • HAMMING: "hamming"
      • L2_SQUARED: "l2-squared"
    • vectorIndex: {
          dynamic: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
              distance?: VectorDistance;
              flat?: {
                  distance?: VectorDistance;
                  quantizer?: {
                      cache?: ...;
                      rescoreLimit?: ...;
                      type?: ...;
                  type?: "flat";
                  vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
              hnsw?: {
                  cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                  distance?: VectorDistance;
                  dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                  dynamicEfMax?: number;
                  dynamicEfMin?: number;
                  ef?: number;
                  efConstruction?: number;
                  filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                  flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                  maxConnections?: number;
                  quantizer?: {
                      cache?: ...;
                      rescoreLimit?: ...;
                      type?: ...;
                  } | {
                      bitCompression?: ...;
                      centroids?: ...;
                      encoder?: ...;
                      segments?: ...;
                      trainingLimit?: ...;
                      type?: ...;
                  } | {
                      rescoreLimit?: ...;
                      trainingLimit?: ...;
                      type?: ...;
                  skip?: boolean;
                  type?: "hnsw";
                  vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
              threshold?: number;
              type?: "dynamic";
          flat: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
              distance?: VectorDistance;
              quantizer?: {
                  cache?: boolean;
                  rescoreLimit?: number;
                  type?: "bq";
              type?: "flat";
              vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
          hnsw: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
              cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
              distance?: VectorDistance;
              dynamicEfFactor?: number;
              dynamicEfMax?: number;
              dynamicEfMin?: number;
              ef?: number;
              efConstruction?: number;
              filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
              flatSearchCutoff?: number;
              maxConnections?: number;
              quantizer?: {
                  cache?: boolean;
                  rescoreLimit?: number;
                  type?: "bq";
              } | {
                  bitCompression?: boolean;
                  centroids?: number;
                  encoder?: {
                      distribution?: ...;
                      type?: ...;
                  segments?: number;
                  trainingLimit?: number;
                  type?: "pq";
              } | {
                  rescoreLimit?: number;
                  trainingLimit?: number;
                  type?: "sq";
              skip?: boolean;
              type?: "hnsw";
              vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
          quantizer: {
              bq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<BQConfig>);
              pq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<PQConfig>);
              sq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<SQConfig>);
      • dynamic: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
            distance?: VectorDistance;
            flat?: {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: ...;
                    rescoreLimit?: ...;
                    type?: ...;
                type?: "flat";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            hnsw?: {
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                efConstruction?: number;
                filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                maxConnections?: number;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: ...;
                    rescoreLimit?: ...;
                    type?: ...;
                } | {
                    bitCompression?: ...;
                    centroids?: ...;
                    encoder?: ...;
                    segments?: ...;
                    trainingLimit?: ...;
                    type?: ...;
                } | {
                    rescoreLimit?: ...;
                    trainingLimit?: ...;
                    type?: ...;
                skip?: boolean;
                type?: "hnsw";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            threshold?: number;
            type?: "dynamic";

        Create a ModuleConfig<'dynamic', VectorIndexConfigDynamicCreate | undefined> object when defining the configuration of the dynamic vector index.

        Use this method when defining the options.vectorIndexConfig argument of the configure.vectorizer method.


        The configuration object.

          • (opts?): ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                flat?: {
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    type?: "flat";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                hnsw?: {
                    cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                    dynamicEfMax?: number;
                    dynamicEfMin?: number;
                    ef?: number;
                    efConstruction?: number;
                    filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                    flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                    maxConnections?: number;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        bitCompression?: ...;
                        centroids?: ...;
                        encoder?: ...;
                        segments?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    skip?: boolean;
                    type?: "hnsw";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                threshold?: number;
                type?: "dynamic";
          • Parameters

            Returns ModuleConfig<"dynamic", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                flat?: {
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    type?: "flat";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                hnsw?: {
                    cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                    distance?: VectorDistance;
                    dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                    dynamicEfMax?: number;
                    dynamicEfMin?: number;
                    ef?: number;
                    efConstruction?: number;
                    filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                    flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                    maxConnections?: number;
                    quantizer?: {
                        cache?: ...;
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        bitCompression?: ...;
                        centroids?: ...;
                        encoder?: ...;
                        segments?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    } | {
                        rescoreLimit?: ...;
                        trainingLimit?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    skip?: boolean;
                    type?: "hnsw";
                    vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
                threshold?: number;
                type?: "dynamic";

      • flat: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
            distance?: VectorDistance;
            quantizer?: {
                cache?: boolean;
                rescoreLimit?: number;
                type?: "bq";
            type?: "flat";
            vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;

        Create a ModuleConfig<'flat', VectorIndexConfigFlatCreate | undefined> object when defining the configuration of the FLAT vector index.

        Use this method when defining the options.vectorIndexConfig argument of the configure.vectorizer method.


        The configuration object.

          • (opts?): ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                type?: "flat";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
          • Parameters

            Returns ModuleConfig<"flat", undefined | {
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                type?: "flat";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;

      • hnsw: ((opts?) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
            cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
            distance?: VectorDistance;
            dynamicEfFactor?: number;
            dynamicEfMax?: number;
            dynamicEfMin?: number;
            ef?: number;
            efConstruction?: number;
            filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
            flatSearchCutoff?: number;
            maxConnections?: number;
            quantizer?: {
                cache?: boolean;
                rescoreLimit?: number;
                type?: "bq";
            } | {
                bitCompression?: boolean;
                centroids?: number;
                encoder?: {
                    distribution?: ...;
                    type?: ...;
                segments?: number;
                trainingLimit?: number;
                type?: "pq";
            } | {
                rescoreLimit?: number;
                trainingLimit?: number;
                type?: "sq";
            skip?: boolean;
            type?: "hnsw";
            vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;

        Create a ModuleConfig<'hnsw', VectorIndexConfigHNSWCreate | undefined> object when defining the configuration of the HNSW vector index.

        Use this method when defining the options.vectorIndexConfig argument of the configure.vectorizer method.


        The configuration object.

          • (opts?): ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                efConstruction?: number;
                filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                maxConnections?: number;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                } | {
                    bitCompression?: boolean;
                    centroids?: number;
                    encoder?: {
                        distribution?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    segments?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "pq";
                } | {
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "sq";
                skip?: boolean;
                type?: "hnsw";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
          • Parameters

            Returns ModuleConfig<"hnsw", undefined | {
                cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
                distance?: VectorDistance;
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                efConstruction?: number;
                filterStrategy?: VectorIndexFilterStrategy;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                maxConnections?: number;
                quantizer?: {
                    cache?: boolean;
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    type?: "bq";
                } | {
                    bitCompression?: boolean;
                    centroids?: number;
                    encoder?: {
                        distribution?: ...;
                        type?: ...;
                    segments?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "pq";
                } | {
                    rescoreLimit?: number;
                    trainingLimit?: number;
                    type?: "sq";
                skip?: boolean;
                type?: "hnsw";
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;

      • quantizer: {
            bq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<BQConfig>);
            pq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<PQConfig>);
            sq: ((options?) => QuantizerRecursivePartial<SQConfig>);

        Define the quantizer configuration to use when creating a vector index.

    • vectorizer: {
          img2VecNeural: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "img2vec-neural">);
          multi2VecBind: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-bind">);
          multi2VecClip: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-clip">);
          multi2VecCohere: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-cohere">);
          multi2VecGoogle: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-google">);
          multi2VecJinaAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-jinaai">);
          multi2VecPalm: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-palm">);
          multi2VecVoyageAI: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "multi2vec-voyageai">);
          none: (<N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "none">);
          ref2VecCentroid: (<N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<never, N, I, "ref2vec-centroid">);
          text2VecAWS: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-aws">);
          text2VecAzureOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-azure-openai">);
          text2VecCohere: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-cohere">);
          text2VecContextionary: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-contextionary">);
          text2VecDatabricks: (<T, N, I>(opts) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-databricks">);
          text2VecGPT4All: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-gpt4all">);
          text2VecGoogle: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-google">);
          text2VecHuggingFace: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-huggingface">);
          text2VecJinaAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-jinaai">);
          text2VecMistral: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-mistral">);
          text2VecOllama: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-ollama">);
          text2VecOpenAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-openai">);
          text2VecPalm: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-palm">);
          text2VecTransformers: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-transformers">);
          text2VecVoyageAI: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-voyageai">);
          text2VecWeaviate: (<T, N, I>(opts?) => VectorConfigCreate<PrimitiveKeys<T>, N, I, "text2vec-weaviate">);
  • connectToCustom: ((options) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
      • (options): Promise<WeaviateClient>
      • Connect to a custom Weaviate deployment, e.g. your own self-hosted Kubernetes cluster.


        Returns Promise<WeaviateClient>

        A Promise that resolves to a client connected to your custom Weaviate deployment.

  • connectToLocal: ((options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
      • (options?): Promise<WeaviateClient>
      • Connect to a locally-deployed Weaviate instance, e.g. as a Docker compose stack.


        Returns Promise<WeaviateClient>

        A Promise that resolves to a client connected to your local Weaviate instance.

  • connectToWCD: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
      • (clusterURL, options?): Promise<WeaviateClient>
      • Connect to your own Weaviate Cloud (WCD) instance.


        • clusterURL: string

          The URL of your WCD instance. E.g.,

        • Optional options: ConnectToWeaviateCloudOptions

          Additional options for the connection.

        Returns Promise<WeaviateClient>

        A Promise that resolves to a client connected to your WCD instance.


        Use connectToWeaviateCloud instead.

  • connectToWCS: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
      • (clusterURL, options?): Promise<WeaviateClient>
      • Connect to your own Weaviate Cloud Service (WCS) instance.


        • clusterURL: string

          The URL of your WCD instance. E.g.,

        • Optional options: ConnectToWeaviateCloudOptions

          Additional options for the connection.

        Returns Promise<WeaviateClient>

        A Promise that resolves to a client connected to your WCS instance.


        Use connectToWeaviateCloud instead.

  • connectToWeaviateCloud: ((clusterURL, options?) => Promise<WeaviateClient>)
      • (clusterURL, options?): Promise<WeaviateClient>
      • Connect to your own Weaviate Cloud (WCD) instance.


        • clusterURL: string

          The URL of your WCD instance. E.g.,

        • Optional options: ConnectToWeaviateCloudOptions

          Additional options for the connection.

        Returns Promise<WeaviateClient>

        A Promise that resolves to a client connected to your WCD instance.

  • permissions: {
        backup: ((args) => BackupsPermission[]);
        cluster: ((args) => ClusterPermission[]);
        collections: ((args) => CollectionsPermission[]);
        data: ((args) => DataPermission[]);
        nodes: {
            minimal: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);
            verbose: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);
        roles: ((args) => RolesPermission[]);
        tenants: ((args) => TenantsPermission[]);
        users: ((args) => UsersPermission[]);
    • backup: ((args) => BackupsPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to Weaviate's backup functionality.

      For all collections, provide the collection argument as '*'.


      The permissions for the specified collections.

        • (args): BackupsPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                collection: string | string[];
                manage?: boolean;
            • collection: string | string[]

              The collection or collections to create permissions for.

            • Optional manage?: boolean

              Whether to allow managing backups. Defaults to false.

          Returns BackupsPermission[]

    • cluster: ((args) => ClusterPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to Weaviate's cluster endpoints.

        • (args): ClusterPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                read?: boolean;
            • Optional read?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading cluster information. Defaults to false.

          Returns ClusterPermission[]

    • collections: ((args) => CollectionsPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to any operations involving collections.

      For all collections, provide the collection argument as '*'.

        • (args): CollectionsPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                collection: string | string[];
                create_collection?: boolean;
                delete_collection?: boolean;
                read_config?: boolean;
                update_config?: boolean;
            • collection: string | string[]

              The collection or collections to create permissions for.

            • Optional create_collection?: boolean

              Whether to allow creating collections. Defaults to false.

            • Optional delete_collection?: boolean

              Whether to allow deleting collections. Defaults to false.

            • Optional read_config?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading collection configurations. Defaults to false.

            • Optional update_config?: boolean

              Whether to allow updating collection configurations. Defaults to false.

          Returns CollectionsPermission[]

    • data: ((args) => DataPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to any operations involving objects within collections and tenants.

      For all collections, provide the collection argument as '*'. For all tenants, provide the tenant argument as '*'.

      Providing arrays of collections and tenants will create permissions for each combination of collection and tenant. E.g., data({ collection: ['A', 'B'], tenant: ['X', 'Y'] }) will create permissions for tenants X and Y in both collections A and B.

        • (args): DataPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                collection: string | string[];
                create?: boolean;
                delete?: boolean;
                read?: boolean;
                tenant?: string | string[];
                update?: boolean;
            • collection: string | string[]

              The collection or collections to create permissions for.

            • Optional create?: boolean

              Whether to allow creating objects. Defaults to false.

            • Optional delete?: boolean

              Whether to allow deleting objects. Defaults to false.

            • Optional read?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading objects. Defaults to false.

            • Optional tenant?: string | string[]

              The tenant or tenants to create permissions for. Defaults to '*'.

            • Optional update?: boolean

              Whether to allow updating objects. Defaults to false.

          Returns DataPermission[]

    • nodes: {
          minimal: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);
          verbose: ((args) => NodesPermission[]);

      This namespace contains methods to create permissions specific to nodes.

      • minimal: ((args) => NodesPermission[])

        Create a set of permissions specific to reading nodes with verbosity set to minimal.


        The permissions for reading nodes.

          • (args): NodesPermission[]
          • Parameters

            • args: {
                  read?: boolean;
              • Optional read?: boolean

                Whether to allow reading nodes. Defaults to false.

            Returns NodesPermission[]

      • verbose: ((args) => NodesPermission[])

        Create a set of permissions specific to reading nodes with verbosity set to verbose.


        The permissions for reading nodes.

          • (args): NodesPermission[]
          • Parameters

            • args: {
                  collection: string | string[];
                  read?: boolean;
              • collection: string | string[]

                The collection or collections to create permissions for.

              • Optional read?: boolean

                Whether to allow reading nodes. Defaults to false.

            Returns NodesPermission[]

    • roles: ((args) => RolesPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to any operations involving roles.


      The permissions for the specified roles.

        • (args): RolesPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                create?: boolean;
                delete?: boolean;
                read?: boolean;
                role: string | string[];
                update?: boolean;
            • Optional create?: boolean

              Whether to allow creating roles. Defaults to false.

            • Optional delete?: boolean

              Whether to allow deleting roles. Defaults to false.

            • Optional read?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading roles. Defaults to false.

            • role: string | string[]

              The role or roles to create permissions for.

            • Optional update?: boolean

              Whether to allow updating roles. Defaults to false.

          Returns RolesPermission[]

    • tenants: ((args) => TenantsPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to any operations involving tenants.

      For all collections, provide the collection argument as '*'. For all tenants, provide the tenant argument as '*'.

      Providing arrays of collections and tenants will create permissions for each combination of collection and tenant. E.g., tenants({ collection: ['A', 'B'], tenant: ['X', 'Y'] }) will create permissions for tenants X and Y in both collections A and B.


      The permissions for the specified tenants.

        • (args): TenantsPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                collection: string | string[];
                create?: boolean;
                delete?: boolean;
                read?: boolean;
                tenant?: string | string[];
                update?: boolean;
            • collection: string | string[]

              The collection or collections to create permissions for.

            • Optional create?: boolean

              Whether to allow creating tenants. Defaults to false.

            • Optional delete?: boolean

              Whether to allow deleting tenants. Defaults to false.

            • Optional read?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading tenants. Defaults to false.

            • Optional tenant?: string | string[]

              The tenant or tenants to create permissions for. Defaults to '*'.

            • Optional update?: boolean

              Whether to allow updating tenants. Defaults to false.

          Returns TenantsPermission[]

    • users: ((args) => UsersPermission[])

      Create a set of permissions specific to any operations involving users.


      The permissions for the specified users.

        • (args): UsersPermission[]
        • Parameters

          • args: {
                assignAndRevoke?: boolean;
                read?: boolean;
                user: string | string[];
            • Optional assignAndRevoke?: boolean

              Whether to allow assigning and revoking users. Defaults to false.

            • Optional read?: boolean

              Whether to allow reading users. Defaults to false.

            • user: string | string[]

              The user or users to create permissions for.

          Returns UsersPermission[]

  • reconfigure: {
        generative: {
            azureOpenAI: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig>);
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-cohere", undefined | GenerativeCohereConfig>);
            databricks: ((config) => ModuleConfig<"generative-databricks", GenerativeDatabricksConfig>);
            google: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-google", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            openAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-openai", undefined | GenerativeOpenAIConfig>);
            palm: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"generative-palm", undefined | GenerativeGoogleConfig>);
            anthropic(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anthropic", undefined | GenerativeAnthropicConfig>;
            anyscale(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-anyscale", undefined | GenerativeAnyscaleConfig>;
            aws(config): ModuleConfig<"generative-aws", GenerativeAWSConfig>;
            friendliai(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-friendliai", undefined | GenerativeFriendliAIConfig>;
            mistral(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-mistral", undefined | GenerativeMistralConfig>;
            nvidia(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-nvidia", undefined | GenerativeNvidiaConfig>;
            ollama(config?): ModuleConfig<"generative-ollama", undefined | GenerativeOllamaConfig>;
        invertedIndex: ((options) => InvertedIndexConfigUpdate);
        multiTenancy: ((options) => MultiTenancyConfigUpdate);
        replication: ((options) => ReplicationConfigUpdate);
        reranker: {
            cohere: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-cohere", undefined | RerankerCohereConfig>);
            jinaai: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-jinaai", undefined | RerankerJinaAIConfig>);
            transformers: (() => ModuleConfig<"reranker-transformers", Record<string, never>>);
            voyageAI: ((config?) => ModuleConfig<"reranker-voyageai", undefined | RerankerVoyageAIConfig>);
        vectorIndex: {
            flat: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"flat", VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate>);
            hnsw: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>);
            quantizer: {
                bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate);
                pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate);
                sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate);
        vectorizer: {
            update: (<N, I>(options) => VectorConfigUpdate<N, I>);