Type alias ClientParams

ClientParams: {
    auth?: AuthCredentials;
    connectionParams: ConnectionParams;
    headers?: HeadersInit;
    proxies?: ProxiesParams;
    skipInitChecks?: boolean;
    timeout?: TimeoutParams;

Type declaration

  • Optional auth?: AuthCredentials

    The credentials used to authenticate with Weaviate.

    Can be any of AuthUserPasswordCredentials, AuthAccessTokenCredentials, AuthClientCredentials, and ApiKey.

  • connectionParams: ConnectionParams

    The connection parameters for Weaviate's public APIs.

  • Optional headers?: HeadersInit

    Additional headers that should be passed to Weaviate in the underlying requests. E.g., X-OpenAI-Api-Key

  • Optional proxies?: ProxiesParams

    The connection parameters for any tunnelling proxies that should be used.

    Note, if your proxy is a forwarding proxy then supply its configuration as if it were the Weaviate server itself using rest and grpc.

  • Optional skipInitChecks?: boolean

    Whether to skip the initialization checks

  • Optional timeout?: TimeoutParams

    The timeouts to use when making requests to Weaviate