Variable reconfigureConst

reconfigure: {
    invertedIndex: ((options) => InvertedIndexConfigUpdate);
    replication: ((options) => RecursivePartial<ReplicationConfig>);
    vectorIndex: {
        flat: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"flat", VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate>);
        hnsw: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>);
        quantizer: {
            bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate);
            pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate);
            sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate);
    vectorizer: {
        update: (<N, I>(options) => VectorConfigUpdate<N, I>);
} = ...

Type declaration

  • invertedIndex: ((options) => InvertedIndexConfigUpdate)

    Create an InvertedIndexConfigUpdate object to be used when updating the configuration of the keyword searching algorithm of your collection.

    See the docs for details!

      • (options): InvertedIndexConfigUpdate
      • Parameters

        • options: {
              bm25b?: number;
              bm25k1?: number;
              cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number;
              stopwordsAdditions?: string[];
              stopwordsPreset?: "none" | "en";
              stopwordsRemovals?: string[];
          • Optional bm25b?: number

            The BM25 b parameter.

          • Optional bm25k1?: number

            The BM25 k1 parameter.

          • Optional cleanupIntervalSeconds?: number

            The interval in seconds at which the inverted index is cleaned up.

          • Optional stopwordsAdditions?: string[]

            Additional stopwords to add.

          • Optional stopwordsPreset?: "none" | "en"

            The stopwords preset to use.

          • Optional stopwordsRemovals?: string[]

            Stopwords to remove.

        Returns InvertedIndexConfigUpdate

  • replication: ((options) => RecursivePartial<ReplicationConfig>)

    Create a ReplicationConfigUpdate object to be used when defining the replication configuration of Weaviate.

    See the docs for more details.

  • vectorIndex: {
        flat: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"flat", VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate>);
        hnsw: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>);
        quantizer: {
            bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate);
            pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate);
            sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate);
    • flat: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"flat", VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate>)

      Create a ModuleConfig<'flat', VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate> object to update the configuration of the FLAT vector index.

      Use this method when defining the options.vectorIndexConfig argument of the reconfigure.vectorizer method.


      The configuration object.

    • hnsw: ((options) => ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>)

      Create a ModuleConfig<'hnsw', VectorIndexConfigHNSWCreate> object to update the configuration of the HNSW vector index.

      Use this method when defining the options.vectorIndexConfig argument of the reconfigure.vectorizer method.


      The configuration object.

        • (options): ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>
        • Parameters

          • options: {
                dynamicEfFactor?: number;
                dynamicEfMax?: number;
                dynamicEfMin?: number;
                ef?: number;
                flatSearchCutoff?: number;
                quantizer?: PQConfigUpdate | BQConfigUpdate | SQConfigUpdate;
                vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number;
            • Optional dynamicEfFactor?: number

              The dynamic ef factor. Default is 8.

            • Optional dynamicEfMax?: number

              The dynamic ef max. Default is 500.

            • Optional dynamicEfMin?: number

              The dynamic ef min. Default is 100.

            • Optional ef?: number

              The ef parameter. Default is -1.

            • Optional flatSearchCutoff?: number

              The flat search cutoff. Default is 40000.

            • Optional quantizer?: PQConfigUpdate | BQConfigUpdate | SQConfigUpdate

              The quantizer configuration to use. Use or vectorIndex.quantizer.pq to make one.

            • Optional vectorCacheMaxObjects?: number

              The maximum number of objects to cache in the vector cache. Default is 1000000000000.

          Returns ModuleConfig<"hnsw", VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate>

    • quantizer: {
          bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate);
          pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate);
          sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate);

      Define the quantizer configuration to use when creating a vector index.

      • bq: ((options?) => BQConfigUpdate)

        Create an object of type BQConfigUpdate to be used when updating the quantizer configuration of a vector index.

        NOTE: If the vector index already has a quantizer configured, you cannot change its quantizer type; only its values. So if you want to change the quantizer type, you must recreate the collection.


        The configuration object.

          • (options?): BQConfigUpdate
          • Parameters

            • Optional options: {
                  cache?: boolean;
                  rescoreLimit?: number;
              • Optional cache?: boolean

                Whether to cache the quantizer.

              • Optional rescoreLimit?: number

                The new rescore limit.

            Returns BQConfigUpdate

      • pq: ((options?) => PQConfigUpdate)

        Create an object of type PQConfigUpdate to be used when updating the quantizer configuration of a vector index.

        NOTE: If the vector index already has a quantizer configured, you cannot change its quantizer type; only its values. So if you want to change the quantizer type, you must recreate the collection.


        The configuration object.

          • (options?): PQConfigUpdate
          • Parameters

            • Optional options: {
                  centroids?: number;
                  pqEncoderDistribution?: PQEncoderDistribution;
                  pqEncoderType?: PQEncoderType;
                  segments?: number;
                  trainingLimit?: number;
              • Optional centroids?: number

                The new number of centroids.

              • Optional pqEncoderDistribution?: PQEncoderDistribution

                The new encoder distribution.

              • Optional pqEncoderType?: PQEncoderType

                The new encoder type.

              • Optional segments?: number

                The new number of segments.

              • Optional trainingLimit?: number

                The new training limit.

            Returns PQConfigUpdate

      • sq: ((options?) => SQConfigUpdate)

        Create an object of type SQConfigUpdate to be used when updating the quantizer configuration of a vector index.

        NOTE: If the vector index already has a quantizer configured, you cannot change its quantizer type; only its values. So if you want to change the quantizer type, you must recreate the collection.


        The configuration object.

          • (options?): SQConfigUpdate
          • Parameters

            • Optional options: {
                  rescoreLimit?: number;
                  trainingLimit?: number;
              • Optional rescoreLimit?: number

                The rescore limit.

              • Optional trainingLimit?: number

                The training limit.

            Returns SQConfigUpdate

  • vectorizer: {
        update: (<N, I>(options) => VectorConfigUpdate<N, I>);